Passion of Spirit
Lorena Moore has created the most fantastic interactive illustrated folktale inspired by the tsunami in the Indian Ocean this past winter.
While you're at her site, spend some time checking out all the great treasures there. Read your card of the day from her Ironwing Tarot and be sure to take a look at her hand forged iron jewelry.
Lorena and her Ironwing Tarot were the muse for the Elemental Fire card in my Tarot deck.
Smells like Summertime
A wonderfully fresh fragrance to celebrate the Summer months...I mix fragrances in 10ml bottles with a built in dropper. First I drop in the oils (I recommend using pure essential oils) and then swirl them together, wafting some of the scent to see if it's to my liking. Adjust with a few more drops of this or that as the nose dictates.Coriander 3 dropsBergamot 6 dropsSandalwood 9 dropsThen fill to just below the neck of the bottle with jojoba oil. I like jojoba oil because it is light and non-greasy with a very long shelf life. Cap the bottle and slap a label on it and you got yourself a flirty scent for the Summer!For more great reference links, visit MoonArcana~Herbal
Strawberry Moon
"Or maybe I should get a farm in southern france
Where the winds are wispy and the villagers dance
And you and I we’d sleep beneath a moon
Moon in june and sleep till noon
And maybe you and I could fall in love
Regain the spirit that we once had
You’d let me hold you and touch the night
That shines so bright, so bright with fright"
- Lou Reed from 'Modern Dance'
Strawberry Moon...the offical Full Moon of Summer!
The longest day and the shortest night, when light is at it's full advantage over shadow. Good time to examine something that's been lurking in the darkness.
Fat Cats
...and not saying so in a derogatory way - it's the truth. Our cats are quite grande. They eat 'weight management' food. (sometimes mixed with senior formula food) Occasionaly, Eleanor has a bite of cooked chicken or fish but Annie actually prefers salad greens...spring mix, arugula or romaine leaves and she eats it as passionately as Eleanor devours the meat.
Annie's laying on my foot as I sit here at the computer, giving me a foot massage with her contented purrs. She's the most physically active of the two with her own special style of morning workout that begins with racing through the hall, stopping to hug the door jambs then racing away. Well, I say race but it's actually more like bunny hopping. If I didn't know better, I'd swear she was part rabbit. The white fur on her neck, feet and underbelly is insanely soft and velvety.
Eleanor trumpets like an elephant. Annie chirps like a bird. Neither one of them meow like a cat.
I could go on just like a proud mama would, but I wouldn't want to bore you. Would you like to see some pictures???
...speaking of vegetables
Here's a place I really like...
the Newtown Farm Market. Open from April to November, it's the BEST place to buy produce, although Country Fresh Market in Hartwell is also pretty good as well as open all year 'round.
I was just making my list to do shopping at the Newtown Market after work today and was getting all jazzed thinking about all the fabulous fruits and veggies they'll have for me to choose from - so I thought I'd blog about it. (since I really need work at posting things on a regular basis!)
Newtown Market also has the most fabulous salad bar...and why wouldn't they with all that great produce on hand! I go there sometimes to pick up a salad for lunch during the week.
If you live in the Cincinnati area, you really should check it out sometime. If you don't live around here, then scout around your own area for independently owned grocers and markets that have the freshest produce. It's so much more fun to shop at these types of places rather than getting lost inside one of those huge faceless chain grocery mega-stores.
Items purchased include vine ripened tomatoes, Vidalia onions, homegrown strawberries, seedless watermelon and buffalo chicken salad from the deli. Yum!
Mush Room
Not far from my house is a really unique sight - a house that's a work of perpetual progress. I moved to Cincinnati in 1991 and remember the Mushroom 'turret' being there then, and over the years it has continued to evolve with much magic and wonderment.
Here's a link I found that has a really good picture. I like the writer's title. There's a lot of other off the wall places around town on the site too, many of which I've also enjoyed seeing around here and there. Check it out sometime when you have a moment and the inclination to do so.
My friend Deb took some pictures of the Mushroom House when she was here this past weekend and posted them on her blog if you want to see some more detail.