October 06, 2005

If a tree falls in a forest...

...along the same line of thought, if cat food is put into a bowl and no cat is around to see it happen, did the cat actually get fed?

Ha! In no imminent danger of starvation, my cats are quite impatient about getting fed in the morning. Eleanor starts with the loud vocal demands about an hour before my alarm goes off. Once I'm finally awake, Annie is in charge of the penetrating gaze of feline disgust if I (gasp!) take a detour from a direct path to the kitchen...which I always do, because quite frankly a full morning bladder trumps serving up a couple bowls of Eukanuba to a pair of fat cats.

So this morning, although I vaguely remember that Ellie was sounding her morning trumpet, when I finally quit hitting the snooze alarm and rolled out of bed there were no cat wranglers at my feet trying to herd me straight to the kitchen. I took my shower, picked out my outfit for the day (black pants...a blank canvas for the art of cat hair) and leisurely strolled toward the kitchen. I measured the food into their dishes and put fresh water into their bowls. Still no cats. I walk back down the hall and see Eleanor snoozing in the middle of the living room floor and when I walk into the bedroom to put on my makeup and finish getting ready for work, Annie is sacked out at the foot of the bed. Once I'm done with all the fashion and coiffure tasks at hand, I trapse back down the hall one last time to put my lunch into my tote bag and make my exit. This time the also popular sound of an opening refrigerator rouses my sleeping beauties and next thing I know, they're blocking the doorway blinking their drowsy eyes while waiting for me to open the food bin and put their daily rations down into their matching dishes. I point to the bowls and tell them "it's already served ladies...go ahead and get it!" Eleanor blinks some more and Annie starts in with the evil eye. I sling my lunch bag and purse over my shoulder and bend down to shake one of the bowls slightly, clearly demonstrating it's recently refilled state of being. This, however did nothing to provoke a sudden rush to the feeding frenzy. Eleanor is casting a nostalgic look toward the food bin and Annie hasn't broken her threatening stare.

I give up, take a wide step over them to exit the kitchen and leave for work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: "If a tree falls in the forest..."

Have you heard this one?

If a tree falls in the forest, and the guy's wife isn't there to hear it, is he still wrong?

I'm sorry..that just cracked me up when I read it.

Great blog by the way : )

6:52 PM  

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